Showcasing South African BMWs and its passionate fans

Princess of Spin

Posted on: 5 December 2013







SABeemer getting to know more about this humble soft-spoken Sister of Spin


Q: How did the PVT1.6 name come about?

"It was given when I was invited by Speed and Sound for an event, and I was a part of the Private/Boot Camp. I was 16 at the time."


Q: How long have you been spinning ?

" for the last 2 years"


Q: What attracted you to the sport?

"I grew up around the sport, and was attracted to the adrenaline that one gets, I just love the sport!"


Q: Who was your biggest influence?

"My dad, Shamiel (Sam)"


Q: Why a BMW, and not a RWD Toyota or Datsun/Ford etc?

"The 6cyl of a Box BMs sound is unmatched, I love that sound, and it spins beautifully"


Q: Favourite Beemer?

"E30 320i"

"My spin car is actually a 320, and I prefer the 2.0 motor to that of the 2.5litre"

 btw - Sarah removes, and works on her cars motor herself!


Q: Most embarrassing moment?

" I had just started spinning, and during one practice I had misjudged the corner leading me to climb 4 sets of truck tyres. When the car came to a halt it was nose up on 4 piled-up truck tyres"


Q: Are there any future plans?

"I want to compete in the National Drifting Series Competition"


Q: What advise can you give to other girls/ladies that want to get into this sport, or any of this sort?

"If you are passionate about something, then follow it through. Don’t give up. The support for up & coming is available and out there, you just have to source it."


Sarah adds "The industry is never too big enough. Females are capable of doing anything if one puts their mind to it"


So upon closure I ask Sarah “if I need anything else could I email you for info?”, and she politely tells me with an angelic smile “I don’t do emails, I’d rather spin cars”… We love ya Sarah. You go girl!





Sarah also works on her cars' motor herself, Stripping, servicing and putting back together.


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