Showcasing South African BMWs and its passionate fans

Kimberley Charity Initiative

Posted on: 4 November 2014
Credit: Metesh Naran

Our crew in Kimberley recently went on a charitable run to The Helen Bishop home for destitute and disadvantaged children.


kimberley charity


A rain soaked Kimberley did not dampen the spirits of the individuals involved as they were determined to play an assisting role to these needy kids.


kimberley charity


Most of these kids were dropped off at this home by their parents who never visited them again.


kimberley charity


kimberley charity


 The kids as well as The Helen Bishop staff and residents were ecstatic at the donation which was handed over.


kimberley charity


kimberley charity


kimberley charity


Although just a handful of participants, a cash amount of R2000.00 was raised. Donations also came in the form of 24 Large Pizzas, 128 bottles of water as well as 80 kiddies Party Packs.


kimberley charity


kimberley charity


A humbled team leader Metesh Naran said :”It was a real eye-opening experience for us all, and we should really be thankful for most of our daily blessings which we take for granted”


kimberley charity


A big Thank You goes out to the following businesses and people that generously donated to this humble cause. Romans Pizza (Katherine & Elize); Just Water (Willie& Christa); JMK Panel & Paint (Jaques Barnes); NB Mechanical Sales (Shaun Barnes) and Pitstop Motorsport (Junior Wookey).


A special shout-out also goes for the guys of StreetMachines who also supported this day.


Our next venue is a plan to raise funds for an old age home. This should be taking place on the 6th December 2014.


For any more info and donations to The Helen Bishop Home or the forthcoming run to the Old Age please contact Metesh on 083 704 0417.


kimberley charity


kimberley charity


kimberley charity


 kimberley charity


kimberley charity


kimberley charity


kimberley charity




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