Showcasing South African BMWs and its passionate fans

Vaal Photoshoot2 with Dikis Lounge & SABeemer

Posted on: 1 January 1970

Vaal Photoshoot 2 brought to you by SABeemer and Dikis lounge.


Awesome day spent with the Vaal BMW Spinners.


The day started off with all meeting at the BP Petrol Station in the Vaal. Upon leaving there Lefa gave us a taste of what was to come for the rest of the day with his awesome spinning techniques.

We then all convoyed through to the main location and started off with the photoshoot and then to the much awaited spinning feature.


A big thank you goes out to Lefa for planning this day and allowing SABeemer to be a part of it


.Of course, I cannot forget Diki and Uzzy for the awesome pictures.

With out you guys we could not achieve this.


--keep on the lookout for more photos and videos

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