Showcasing South African BMWs and its passionate fans

Roshaans' E30 325i - A girl and her baby

Posted on: 16 June 2015
Credit: sabeemer

bmw e30


bmw e30


It’s not the first time we are featuring a Passionista – A lady Beemer fanatic who owns, drives, styles and chooses everything that happens on her own car. 


bmw e30


This sweet E30 belongs to Roshaan. A super-cool gal that loves “her baby” very very much.


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bmw e30


This “baby” is a 1990 325i that’s been given a fresh coat of paint, the colour of which was chosen by Roshaan herself.


The colour is Valencia Orange, as seen on the limited edition E82 1M cars, and it looks good on this E30. The colour glosses really well in the bright sunshine against the contrast of the blue sky and blue ocean with the Mountainside of Gordons Bay in the far-off background.


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bmw e30


An E30 is a car that every BMW fan wants, especially in 6 cylinder form. Roshaan is fortunate that she has the 2.5l 6cyl engine that purrs a sweet sound, and she is also fortunate to have a factory sunroof on her car.


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The 17” HRE wheels look suited on this E30, and sits comfortably in the arches.


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We asked Roshaan a few questions regarding her ride and her love for the BMW brand:


-         Is this your first BMW? And is this your first ever car?

-         Yes, it’s my first BMW, not my 1st car though, it’s my 2nd car. My first car was an opel corsa.


-         Why BMW?

             Well…. It runs in the blood….. I’ve always had a love for BMW since a little girl; and it’s a family thing, my dad, mom and bro all owned a BMW. I grew up            with just beemers…..



-         Why the E30

-         I love all the shapes of BMW, but it changes too quickly and the E30 stands out for me, always did, always will…. Its’ CLASSIC!



-         What is the best feature /quality of yours or any other bmw

-         On mine, I would go with the colour for sure…. And ultimately the sporting elegance on all BMWS…. And how the individual character manifests itself so stylishly.


-         What has been done to your car?

-         It’s pretty much stock standard, used to be chipped, but that’s’ been removed. And it has been re-sprayed from silver to this colour by my brother Nabeel Dollie.


-         How long have you had the car

-         Have the car for just over 6 years now.


-         Would you sell it? And what other BMW would you buy?

-         Not a chance, unless I find an immaculate 325Is for a good price.


-         Any persons you wish to thank

-         Yes, my brother Nabeel Dollie, for doing such a stunning job on the paint work and my father Egshaan Dollie who’s sees to my servicing and mechanical work.



-         What is your dream bmw to own (Money no object…Dream BMW garage)

-         My dream BMW is still a 325is…..while I’m still single….

-         And the M6 (lumma design) for my family car J



So another girl with a hot ride gracing our pages, and we like the efforts and passion shown by these ladies in expressing their joy in their own way.


And we leave with Roshaan’s last words, saying it with a smile - “move over boys” ! Smile


bmw e30


bmw e30


 bmw e30


bmw e30


bmw e30


bmw e30


bmw e30



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